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Meet Volux – The New FDA-Approved Dermal Filler for Jawline Contouring

Feeling self-conscious about your side profile? Ever see a candid photo of yourself and think: “that is not what I look like!” Do you find yourself focusing on asymmetries and imbalances or do you just want to look more contoured, more youthful, and dare I say it, more snatched? Are you noticing sagging to your lower face and the start of some fullness around your mouth? If you’ve spent more time in the mirror than you would like, wishing something was different about the appearance of your lower face, we’ve got you!

Dermal filler can be used to lift and contour the jawline by providing structure and support to the underlying tissue. It can hide the appearance of jowls, create a crisp, sleek jawline and rebalance your face in all the right ways. A new filler specifically designed for the jawline has recently been released in the US, it’s called Volux. And we love it.

Volux is a new FDA-approved hyaluronic acid-based filler made by Allergan Aesthetics, the makers of Botox and Juvederm. You may also have heard of Allergan from a popular filler used in the cheeks called Voluma. Allergan is the O.G. of hyaluronic acid injectables, first making its appearance with Juvederm in the US in 2006. Volux is specifically designed to have stronger lifting capacity, structure, and cohesivity, to create a smooth and well-defined jawline.

Center Aesthetic & Dermatology was chosen as one of only 19 study sites across the United States to perform clinical trials necessary for FDA approval. Our Board Certified Dermatologist, Dr. Cheryl Karcher, led the clinical team as Principal Study Investigator and Treating Investigator, performing all of the Volux jawline treatments throughout the study. Our nurse, Lynn Wojton, supported Dr. Cheryl Karcher as Study Coordinator. This involvement has allowed Center Aesthetic & Dermatology to have a unique understanding of how Volux works, having contoured jawlines with it since 2019.

It is important to note that treating the jawline requires an immense amount of precision and skill. The properties of Volux are meant to be long-lasting. In fact, during the clinical studies, 61% (84/137) of participants in the treatment group showed long-lasting results through one year.

If you feel excited thinking about what we could do at Center Aesthetic & Dermatology is able to help give you the jawline you really want, all you have to do is book your appointment. We will see you soon!

2cc of Volux to Jawline

2cc of Volux to Jawline

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